Teen Drop In Policy
In order to attend Teen programs at O-YA, participants must sign that they have read and understood the following policies:
O-YA Teen Drop In Policies
Free Condoms Available at O-YA
Grade 9 & up: Free condoms will be given out by O-YA Youth Workers to any youth in Grade 9 and up who requests them with no questions asked.
Grade 7 & 8: If a youth in Grade 8 and under request condoms, they will not automatically be provided. Condoms will be provided if it is determined the youth can legally consent to sexual activity. If they can’t, parent / guardians or authorities will be notified.
Grade 6 & under: If a youth in Grade 6 or under requests condoms, a report to parent / guardians or authorities will be made.
Sexual Activity Reported by Program Participants
Grade 6 & under: Any disclosed sexual activity will be reported to the authorities and parent / guardians.
Grade 7 & 8: Any sexual activity that violates the Criminal Code of Canada will be reported to parents / guardians or authorities.
Grade 9 & up: If a youth reports sexual activity, it will not be disclosed except in the instances detailed below.
All sexual activity disclosed which violates the Criminal Code of Canada, is with a person in a position of authority or trust, or that is
non-consensual will be reported to the authorities.
Drug & Alcohol Use Reported by Program Participants
All participants: If a youth under age 19 is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is in possession of drugs or
alcohol while participating in any of O-YA’s programs, their parent / guardian will be notified within 48 hours. If this use is confirmed, they will be asked to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day (see below for details).
Grade 9 & above: O-YA’s Executive Director will be notified of reported drug or alcohol use. Also applies to the reported drug or alcohol use of another participant who has used O-YA’s services is determined to be high risk. O-YA’s Executive Director will then decide in conjunction with O-YA’s Board of Directors whether that participant’s parents / guardian will be notified within 48 hours.
Grade 8 & under: If a youth in Grade 8 or younger discloses drug or alcohol use of any kind, or smoking / vaping their parent /
guardian will be notified within 24 hours.
Duty to Warn
Youth Workers are required to disclose to the police, O-YA’s Executive Director and / or Board of Directors or anyone else deemed necessary when a serious crime has been committed, when an identifiable drug dealer is involved or any one of the following conditions are present:
1. There is a clear risk to an identifiable person or group of persons
2. There a risk of serious bodily harm or death
3. The danger is imminent
Any information disclosed about drug and alcohol use by any O-YA participant may be shared as necessary between O-YA staff and Board of
Smoking & Vaping on O-YA Property
Smoking and vaping are not allowed on O-YA property (indoor or outdoor) at any time.
All participants: If participants smoke or vape on O-YA property they will be asked to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day (see below for details).
Grade 8 & under: If a youth in Grade 8 or younger discloses smoking or vaping, their parent / guardian will be notified within 24 hours.
Breaking the Rule at Teen Programs / Being Asked to Leave
In addition to the rules above, participants at O-YA’s Teen Programs are required to keep their hands and feet to themselves, treat other
participants, staff and volunteers with respect and heed the instructions of O-YA Youth Workers and volunteers.
Participants who break a rule, depending on severity, may be either reminded of the rule by Youth Workers, be asked to leave O-YA and take a walk for 5, 10 or 15 minutes or to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA for the duration of a program day, parents / guardians will be notified within 30 minutes with a reason for the dismissal. If a rule is broken that is also illegal, the police will also be notified.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA programs more than 3 times, that participant will be placed on sliding suspension for 1 week, 1 month,
6 months and 1 year if the rule breaking continues. O-YA reserves the right to skip steps on all of these consequences if the rule breaking is severe.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA for 1 year, or has been issued a trespass notice for O-YA property from the police, it will be the responsibility of that participant to contact O-YA and demonstrate to the Executive Director that they have earned the right to come back.
O-YA Teen Drop In Policies
Free Condoms Available at O-YA
Grade 9 & up: Free condoms will be given out by O-YA Youth Workers to any youth in Grade 9 and up who requests them with no questions asked.
Grade 7 & 8: If a youth in Grade 8 and under request condoms, they will not automatically be provided. Condoms will be provided if it is determined the youth can legally consent to sexual activity. If they can’t, parent / guardians or authorities will be notified.
Grade 6 & under: If a youth in Grade 6 or under requests condoms, a report to parent / guardians or authorities will be made.
Sexual Activity Reported by Program Participants
Grade 6 & under: Any disclosed sexual activity will be reported to the authorities and parent / guardians.
Grade 7 & 8: Any sexual activity that violates the Criminal Code of Canada will be reported to parents / guardians or authorities.
Grade 9 & up: If a youth reports sexual activity, it will not be disclosed except in the instances detailed below.
All sexual activity disclosed which violates the Criminal Code of Canada, is with a person in a position of authority or trust, or that is
non-consensual will be reported to the authorities.
Drug & Alcohol Use Reported by Program Participants
All participants: If a youth under age 19 is suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is in possession of drugs or
alcohol while participating in any of O-YA’s programs, their parent / guardian will be notified within 48 hours. If this use is confirmed, they will be asked to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day (see below for details).
Grade 9 & above: O-YA’s Executive Director will be notified of reported drug or alcohol use. Also applies to the reported drug or alcohol use of another participant who has used O-YA’s services is determined to be high risk. O-YA’s Executive Director will then decide in conjunction with O-YA’s Board of Directors whether that participant’s parents / guardian will be notified within 48 hours.
Grade 8 & under: If a youth in Grade 8 or younger discloses drug or alcohol use of any kind, or smoking / vaping their parent /
guardian will be notified within 24 hours.
Duty to Warn
Youth Workers are required to disclose to the police, O-YA’s Executive Director and / or Board of Directors or anyone else deemed necessary when a serious crime has been committed, when an identifiable drug dealer is involved or any one of the following conditions are present:
1. There is a clear risk to an identifiable person or group of persons
2. There a risk of serious bodily harm or death
3. The danger is imminent
Any information disclosed about drug and alcohol use by any O-YA participant may be shared as necessary between O-YA staff and Board of
Smoking & Vaping on O-YA Property
Smoking and vaping are not allowed on O-YA property (indoor or outdoor) at any time.
All participants: If participants smoke or vape on O-YA property they will be asked to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day (see below for details).
Grade 8 & under: If a youth in Grade 8 or younger discloses smoking or vaping, their parent / guardian will be notified within 24 hours.
Breaking the Rule at Teen Programs / Being Asked to Leave
In addition to the rules above, participants at O-YA’s Teen Programs are required to keep their hands and feet to themselves, treat other
participants, staff and volunteers with respect and heed the instructions of O-YA Youth Workers and volunteers.
Participants who break a rule, depending on severity, may be either reminded of the rule by Youth Workers, be asked to leave O-YA and take a walk for 5, 10 or 15 minutes or to leave O-YA for the duration of the program day.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA for the duration of a program day, parents / guardians will be notified within 30 minutes with a reason for the dismissal. If a rule is broken that is also illegal, the police will also be notified.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA programs more than 3 times, that participant will be placed on sliding suspension for 1 week, 1 month,
6 months and 1 year if the rule breaking continues. O-YA reserves the right to skip steps on all of these consequences if the rule breaking is severe.
If a participant is asked to leave O-YA for 1 year, or has been issued a trespass notice for O-YA property from the police, it will be the responsibility of that participant to contact O-YA and demonstrate to the Executive Director that they have earned the right to come back.