Jr. Teen Drop In
Who: Grades 5 - 8
When: Wednesdays in July & August 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
What happens during Drop In at O-YA? A little bit of everything! As the name suggestions, participants are welcome to drop in when they like, and come and go as they wish. Sometimes we have activities programmed during Drop In hours and sometimes we just hang out, chat, watch TV, play cards or board games, enjoy the Wii or Xbox One (some even bring their own consoles!) challenge each other to a pool match, do homework, read ... the list goes on and on depending on who's here and what participants feel like doing. Drop In hours at O-YA are always supervised by at least 2 O-YA Youth Workers. Our Youth Workers are truly fantastic - they are all great at integrating new participants, visiting with each participant and keeping everyone involved and entertained.
Outdoor Supervision
Please note that participants of O-YA's Teen Drop In program DO have 'in-and-out' privileges. This means that O-YA Youth Workers do not monitor the door - participants can come and go as they wish without Youth Worker permission / notification. And, unless we have an outdoor activity planned, O-YA Youth Workers do not supervise the outdoor spaces at O-YA. As part of O-YA's policy, Youth Workers do 'walk arounds' outside of the O-YA building once an hour during scheduled Drop In programming.
Teen Drop In Policy
Please read O-YA's Teen Drop In Policy HERE.
When: Wednesdays in July & August 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
What happens during Drop In at O-YA? A little bit of everything! As the name suggestions, participants are welcome to drop in when they like, and come and go as they wish. Sometimes we have activities programmed during Drop In hours and sometimes we just hang out, chat, watch TV, play cards or board games, enjoy the Wii or Xbox One (some even bring their own consoles!) challenge each other to a pool match, do homework, read ... the list goes on and on depending on who's here and what participants feel like doing. Drop In hours at O-YA are always supervised by at least 2 O-YA Youth Workers. Our Youth Workers are truly fantastic - they are all great at integrating new participants, visiting with each participant and keeping everyone involved and entertained.
Outdoor Supervision
Please note that participants of O-YA's Teen Drop In program DO have 'in-and-out' privileges. This means that O-YA Youth Workers do not monitor the door - participants can come and go as they wish without Youth Worker permission / notification. And, unless we have an outdoor activity planned, O-YA Youth Workers do not supervise the outdoor spaces at O-YA. As part of O-YA's policy, Youth Workers do 'walk arounds' outside of the O-YA building once an hour during scheduled Drop In programming.
Teen Drop In Policy
Please read O-YA's Teen Drop In Policy HERE.